Hi Tina, I delivered the two sets of Mah’s Helping Hand “Sleeve Kits” I ordered to my friends at Mahjongg yesterday, and I think you’ll get a kick out of what transpired.
First, so you can follow along, there are three players: A, B, and C.
Player “A” had her Sleeve Kit set up with Sleeve on, and Mah Jongg Highlighters on the card ready to play. ( I had given the Kit to her a few days earlier.)
Player “B” didn’t want the Sleeve but thought the Highlighters looked interesting.
I didn’t order a Kit for Player “C” as she is a good player and I didn’t think she’d want one. These were surprise gifts from me. Wrong.
Player “C” took Player “B’s” Sleeve, and one of Player “A’s” Highlighters as “A” didn’t need all three.
Are you still with me?
Player “C” used the Highlighter and the Sleeve and thought they were great. If she decides she needs more Highlighters in the future, I’m sure you’ll be hearing from her.
Player “B” didn’t have occasion to use the Highlighters. More likely, she may have forgotten about them.
Player “A” used both and found them very helpful.
I was warned by a friend that the clear plastic of the protective Sleeve would reflect glare from overhead lighting, obscuring the card, but neither “A” nor “C” had a problem with that. Furthermore, it seemed to me that they could just remove the card if necessary. However, as I mentioned, the problem never arose.
As you wrote in your Blog about your first experience playing with seasoned players, I could see which hands the girls to the right and left of me were playing. However, Player “C” changed her hand several times during several games, and Player “A” was using 2 Highlighters, so only their exposures and discards really revealed anything about their hands.
Furthermore, I don’t know what your table mates said, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of time on their hands; I wanted to concentrate on my own.
Bottom line, in no time at all, the Mah Jongg Highlighters became a natural part of the game.