FERN: Morning Tina! I tried using them at my game on Monday. My friends told me they could see where they were placed on my card, so I actually didn’t continue using them. I think they are excellent for students and beginners. As we can’t play with the card on our laps, where no one would see where we have placed the highlighters, I’m not sure if I can use them in my regular game. Am I using them wrong? Is there another way to create discretion while using them? I don’t want to give my hand away besides when exposing of course. They would be great in Siamese MJ. Plz Lmk your thoughts. They are an ingenious idea!
TINA: Thx for the detailed experience. I get exactly what you are saying. Thank you for giving them a try though and I would love for you to try them again after this suggestion and get back with me.
Since there are 3 highlighters, I always use one as a decoy.
At any given time, we can sigh or react to a drawn tile…and go in a different direction, hand wise, right? So that’s what I do. At some point in the game when I’ve got one highlighter on my committed hand, I draw a tile, discard, then grab an unused highlighter (my decoy) and cover another hand.
As soon as I have an exposure, I move an unused highlighter (a decoy) to another hand that uses that exposure, if there is one. I played last night, both Siamese and 4-handed. Would get the question at the end of each game I lost, ”What were you playing?” They never knew. May seem tedious, but for me, it’s helpful and fun to keep them guessing.
TINA: Also, last night I placed an unused highlighter on the hand this girl was playing, who had 2 exposures, so I would remember which hand she was playing, and avoid throwing her Mah Jongg.
FERN: Sounds like a great way to use them and keep them guessing! I will try them next week and keep you posted. I have a friend I’m seeing on Sat and she and 5 others are taking lessons in Sept. These will be perfect for them! I will show her them and suggest she and her friends get them. I also have a friend who teaches here and I will tell her about them too.
TINA: That’s great! Thx so much for the support. Have a great day.
FERN: I want to spread the word about your product, because it is truly so helpful!
*Fern Bernstein is the author of the memoir Mah Jongg Mondays, a book about friendship, faith and love.
I’m reading it now, and will certainly review it. Just lovely so far!