Mah's Helping Hand


12 Mah Jongg Highlighter Refills
(4 Highlighters)
25% off Retail


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Qty 12 – Mah Jongg Highlighter Refills. Each set includes 4 Highlighters in varying colors. *Use on our Sleeves. They are guaranteed, reusable, stay cleaner and last longer when used with our card Sleeves. Students, beginners, online players, Mah Jongg teachers and SIAMESE MAH JONGG® players love our Highlighters!


Mah Jongg Highlighter Refills:

You may need to replace your Mah Jongg Highlighters at some point. Maybe you forgot to wash them and they slid off or maybe you let someone try them and they didn’t return them…because they loved them so much. Whatever the reason you can buy the Highlighter Refills here.

Remember to use the Highlighters on our protective Sleeve. If used directly on your Mah Jongg card or other vinyl card protectors, the Highlighters will get dusty and lose their adhesive properties. We guarantee our Highlighters and they work best when used on our clear, protective card Sleeves.

Once your CARD is placed inside a Sleeve, carefully peel each Highlighter from its paper backing and throw the backing away. Place the Highlighters directly on the Sleeve. Lift colored corners to move the Highlighters when changing hands.

Strategy: Keep all 3 or 4 Highlighters on your card at all times. Don’t let the other players know what your playing by only using one Highlighter!


Store and leave your Highlighters placed FLAT on your card Sleeve and trifold closed for future use. Make sure the Highlighters are kept AWAY from the creases of the card when you trifold and put it away. Creases in your Highlighters will diminish their adhesive properties. Keep them FLAT!

Care Instructions for MHH Highlighters:

Your Highlighters may collect dust, fingerprints, crumbs, etc. which may diminish their adhesiveness. Put a drop of the “BLUE, HIGH QUALITY DEGREASING DISH SOAP” on your finger and thumb and rub onto both sides of the Highlighter WHILE running it under WARM water. Rinse well and GENTLY PAT dry with a microfiber towel or lint free rag. Your Highlighters will be sticky again. Watch the video “Washing your Mah Jongg Highlighters“.

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