Mah's Helping Hand



Things can go very wrong while playing Mah Jongg.

Things can suddenly go very wrong, right in the middle of playing Mah Jongg. Can you relate to any of the following?

You may lose sight of your hand or make an exposure only to realize you are playing a concealed hand.

Oh Jeez, panic! You begin using your finger to find it or to look for another hand to play.

You may become confused and begin to follow the previous hand you played during the last game!

Ugh, that one gives me an instant hot flash!

You may even expose the wrong number of tiles and have to scramble for a new hand to build or silently go dead and play defensively.


Well, when you use Mah Jongg Highlighters during play, you can eliminate all that. “But won’t the other players see what I’m playing?”, someone always asks.

  • You will have 3 or 4 Highlighters on your card that are helping YOU keep track of your potential hands and remain calm.
  • During play, move an unused Highlighter to another hand. This will definitely confuse your opponents who may be sneaking a peak. We call this a Decoy Highlighter.
  • Seasoned players may know what you are playing after 1 or 2 of your exposures and seeing which tiles are thrown, etc. Doubtful it will be from your Highlighters.

So, when you are tired of going through these stressful experiences, buy some Mah Jongg Highlighters for yourself. You will be so happy you did. You’ll remain calm, have fun and easily keep track of your hands. xo

But are Mah Jongg Highlighters a crutch? Read and decide.

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